Sober October: Halfway There!
If we have been drinking habitually for years, we think our constantly cruddy feeling state is normal. Hopefully, this Sober October is letting you remember how great you can feel emotionally and physically.
Climbing the Ladder of Our Beliefs
Let’s look at our beliefs like a ladder. If we start with a thought like ‘we will always be a drinker,’ immediately trying to believe the opposite of this statement will seem absurd.
Guiding Values
In this article, I would like to explore the concept of values by determining what they are, why they are essential, and how to find yours.
Drinking Self, Sober Self, and Summer Vacation
Alcohol will be present at most summer gatherings. If you are trying to be alcohol-free, questions like the ones above will pop into your head, and desires to partake in boozy bacchanalias will arise. We would be fooling ourselves into thinking otherwise.
4 Ways to Thrive This Summer Without Alcohol.
Would you rather survive or freakin’ thrive during your sober summer? Here are 4 ways to take this alcohol-free season to another level.
Fade Affect Bias: The Seduction of the Bad Old Days
Having the negative emotions associated with a memory fade over time is beneficial to our mental well-being; however, it can become detrimental in conjunction with maladaptive behaviors and habits.