Sober October: Halfway There!
We are passed the halfway point of Sober October! How are you finding it? What is coming up for you?
You are probably getting past the physical symptoms as your body recalibrates back to its homeostatic state. Maybe you are starting to sleep better than you have in ages, or perhaps you have abundant energy.
Subconscious blowback.
Even if you are starting to feel physically better, there can still be psychological discomfort that comes with initially changing a habit. We can’t attempt to change years-long behavior patterns and not expect some blowback from our subconscious.
There can be all sorts of unexamined triggers that you are only now starting to recognize; however, that awareness is vital because it makes you less susceptible to reaching for a drink.
What are some things that you have noticed as triggers these past two weeks?
Maybe it is coworkers or traffic or the news or the weather. We all have things specific to us that trigger the wine witch and the whiskey warlock.
Deeper need.
Those needs could be as simple as H.A.L.T (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired). Check in and see if you are feeling one or more of these.
Awareness of when you are in these states and taking immediate action will allow you to reclaim your power.
3 Tactics for taking action.
If you are hungry, eat or hydrate. If you are angry, meditate or yell. If you are lonely, call or zoom with someone. If you are tired, rest.
The 5-4-3-2-1. Pick out five things you can see, four things you can hear, three things you can touch, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.
This tactic helps ground you back into your body and literally returns you to your senses.
The 10-4-2 breath. Slowly exhale for a ten-count (your lungs will probably empty), hold for a two-count, then slowly breathe in for a four-count. Repeat.
Set a timer for five to ten minutes for this breathing exercise. You will feel some remarkable physiological changes in your nervous system as you regain some clarity and present-moment awareness.
And just like that…
…you are two weeks away from the finish of this Sober October Challenge! You are doing great! You are confronting your cravings, learning about yourself, and seeing what adventures await on the other side of alcohol. Keep it up!
See you next week!