Sober October: That’s a Wrap!
The point is to see the effectiveness awareness can have on our urges and habits and how empowering it is to take responsibility for them. The point is that creating a gap in your drinking habits, no matter how seemingly small, can cause an exponential shift over time.

Sober October: My Last Attempt.
Am I saying that going 30 days AF will equip you with all the knowledge and tools you need to navigate life’s challenges without feeling a desire for booze? No. That takes time and experience. That takes curiosity and a willingness to feel all the feelings, all the joy, all the pain, all the boredom, and all the uneasiness that every human has had to deal with.

Sober October: Halfway There!
If we have been drinking habitually for years, we think our constantly cruddy feeling state is normal. Hopefully, this Sober October is letting you remember how great you can feel emotionally and physically.