Sober October 2022!
If you are committing to taking a month-long break from alcohol, recognize how rebellious an act that is, especially in a country where 85% of its population drinks. You are a rebel and a badass. Own it!
Climbing the Ladder of Our Beliefs
Let’s look at our beliefs like a ladder. If we start with a thought like ‘we will always be a drinker,’ immediately trying to believe the opposite of this statement will seem absurd.
Is It Worth It To Quit Drinking?
I could tell you: Yes, absolutely! But I won’t. Instead, I have some questions for you to consider. Ready?
Reframing Boredom
Let’s define briefly what boredom is, address some stigma around it, then offer a more positive and productive reframe from which to view it.
Sobriety and Shifting Values
This week I would like to expand on and explore what happens when our values change because of a significant life event like ceasing to use a harmful substance.
Guiding Values
In this article, I would like to explore the concept of values by determining what they are, why they are essential, and how to find yours.
Rebuilding Trust in Our Sober Self with Micro Habits.
Making the firm commitment to stop drinking was a great first step, but was just the start. The rebuilding of my shattered self-trust and my inner kingdom was the next task. It had to be done if I was to get the most out of my alcohol-free journey.
Happiness vs Aliveness
Hardship, darkness, and tribulations are just as much a part of our journey as it is for the characters of our favorite stories. We do ourselves a disservice by not fully embracing them or trying to numb them or shoving them down.