Is It Worth It To Quit Drinking?

‘Is it really worth it? Will quitting drinking really have an impact on my life?’ Fair questions, to be sure.

I could tell you, yes, absolutely! I could list all the things that have changed in my life for the better because of my decision to quit drinking.

I could name many friends and colleagues who would tell you their stories of wondrous transformation.

I could list numerous podcasts, blogs, and books, each touting the phenomenal blessings brought about because of a choice to be alcohol-free.

I could point you to study after study that shows the physical and mental benefits that arise when people quit drinking.

I could give you all sorts of facts and anecdotes and accounts.

But I won’t.

Instead, I have a few questions for you to contemplate…

Why would you want to stop drinking in the first place?

This is a legitimate query to ponder. You will need to consider if letting go of the immediate gratification that alcohol brings is something you are willing to set aside for the time being.

Do you want to explore the impact that being alcohol-free will have on your life with a truly committed, burn-the-boats mentality?

Consider this carefully because it means diving deep into your subconscious, examining your habits, sitting with your urges, feeling your discomfort, and experiencing Life’s events to truly understand your relationship with alcohol and why it is you drink in the first place.

Are you willing to wholeheartedly embark into unknown territory prepared to accept what lies ahead?

Like anything worthy of being called an adventure, there will be trials and pitfalls. You will have to determine if the transformation you undergo will be better than where you are now.

Can you envision yourself emerging from such an adventure?

Look six months, a year, five years into the future. One way or another, that version of you will be different than the one reading this article right now. Allow yourself to envision your full potential.

What does that version of you look like, how does he act, what are his values, and what is his purpose?

Knowing what it is you wish to become and achieve by being alcohol-free will give you a bearing to trek towards. This direction will give your journey context and meaning.

The truth is…

I can’t say whether or not quitting drinking will be worth it for you. This journey and all that comes with it is something you will have to experience yourself. If done with an open mind, earnest effort, self-love, and playful curiosity, then you will truly know this journey’s worth.

If you answered ‘yes’ to these questions, if you are ready to begin an odyssey of true and lasting change then I have one last question for you:

Why wait?


I know how it feels to even think about reaching out to someone. It doesn’t mean you are weak or broken. It shows you dare to change your own life.

I am happy to coach you on this topic, and I have spots open. You can schedule a free and completely confidential call by clicking here. There is no obligation in this call. We will discuss where you are, where you would like to be, and if you think working with me would be a good fit. I look forward to hearing from you


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