Sober October: Ready. Set. Go!

Believe that you can do this. Believe that it is up to you and you alone to do this. Believe that Now is the time to do this.
— Annie Grace

Week one/Day one of Sober October: You are stepping through the threshold into a month-long journey of insight, clarity, and awareness!

Let’s start Sober October off by…

Burning the freakin’ boats!

Making decisions takes energy; having to make multiple small decisions takes a lot of focus and brain power.

My attempts to moderate my drinking kept me in a constant mental struggle. At the forefront of my mind were my rules around alcohol, and I was always breaking them.

I still had an excuse, an option, a way out.

I had not burned the boats.

Burn your boats by making one big decision, one unwavering commitment to not have a drink during October, no matter what.

Doing so will save you a lot of energy and mental noise.

It’s more than willpower.

Willpower can work for a while; however, it will eventually run out and must be replenished. When it runs out, you will be in a state of decision fatigue, leaving you more susceptible to giving into a drink.

If we rely solely on willpower, it’s because we haven’t yet confronted our unconscious, underlying beliefs about alcohol.

So, what can you do?

Instead of struggling with cravings, lean into them. Use curiosity to explore how and what you are feeling regarding alcohol.

Write down your self-reflections, or use a voice app to record your thoughts. The simple act of recording what you are dealing with will guide you through your journey of change.

Stay above 50%

Think of your emotional state on a 0-100 scale, with 50% being the baseline and below 50% being negative emotional territory.

You might get into a spiral that dips you below the 50% line.

Don’t worry; it happens.

The good news is that you can control your emotional state! You can take action and do things to bring you back above 50%.

What can you do that will empower you to move back to a positive mental/emotional state? It could be getting in nature, tapping, singing, meditation, running stairs, having a healthy snack, or hydrating.

Come up with a list of 10-20 things you know will lift you.


Sober October isn’t about white-knuckling it from the First to the Thirty-first. Instead, it is an opportunity to learn about yourself and to reassess your relationship with alcohol.

Sober October isn’t about what you are giving up. It is about what we are gaining: clarity, self-knowledge, better health, and improved mood, among many other things.

You are ready. You can do this. Be proud of yourself for taking a break from alcohol. Be proud of yourself for examining alcohol’s role in your life.

Let’s do this!


If you feel that getting coaching around reducing alcohol’s role in your life is right for you, I would be happy to offer you a free 30-minute call. You can schedule a time that works for you by clicking here. Let’s get started making alcohol an insignificant part of your life!


Sober October: Week 2!


Countdown to Sober October 2022!