Day 4: Getting to Know Your Parts
“Your inner world is real. Parts are not imaginary products or symbols of your psyche, nor are they simply metaphors of deeper meaning...what happens in those inner realms makes a big difference in how you feel and live your life”
We are getting a little weird with it today, continuing to expand our comfort zones of self-awareness.
Here, we are doing the beginning stages of Parts Work by listening to, locating, and getting to know a part of us.
Take a moment, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths…
Allow any aspects or feelings or sensations or thoughts to come up. All are welcome.
Listen for, feel for, or see a part that needs your attention the most, and then answer the questions below.
Day 4 journal prompts :
1) Find or locate one of your parts. It might help to ask, “who needs to be heard right now?”
2) Where do you feel this part in or around your body? What does it feel like (heavy/light, hot/cold, etc.)?
3) How do you feel toward it? Are there other parts that have something to say about this part?
4) What does this part need you to know about itself? How is it trying to help?
If you want to hear more about IFS/parts work, I encourage you to click this link and check out the Present and Sober Podcast, where I was a guest of the amazing duo of Sam and Ellie.