Day 7: Thank You!

As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm. Jump. It is not as wide as you think.
— Joseph Campbell

Congratulations! You have challenged yourself a lot in this past week. Even though this is the end of this course, the adventure continues!

I have no doubt you will continue to face and overcome challenges as well as gain knowledge and wisdom from them.

For the last entry, please reflect on where you were at the start of this course, where you are now, and where you wish to go.

Day 7 journal prompts :

1) What insights did you gain in this past week?

2) After completing this course, which areas of your life have decided to improve?

3) In which areas of your life are you proud of and doing well?

4) How was this personal exploration valuable for you?


If you want to build on what you have begun here and the idea of working one-on-one resonates with you, I invite you to book a free half-hour discovery call with me by clicking this link.

I look forward to hearing from you!