Day 6: Tiny Habits

Tiny is mighty.
— BJ Fogg

To make our new tiny habits effective, we must be clear about our direction. What is the goal or aspiration you are moving towards?

You can use your first domino as a starting point or set another aspiration altogether. This will help you determine a tiny habit that will give you the momentum toward that aspiration.

Do you have your destination in mind? Good, let’s get started.

Day 6 journal prompts :

  1. Brainstorm a list of habits that align with your goal/aspiration. Then, choose a few that a) you want to do and b) you can do.

  2. Now, make them tiny; scale them back to make them laughably easy to commit to.

    • For example, if you want to meditate, instead of trying for 20 minutes a day, start with 2 minutes. Or, if you want to be fit, instead of going to the gym five times a week, start by doing five pushups a day.

  3. Come up with a celebration you want to do that will make you feel good and do it immediately after the habit.

    • Examples are: High-five yourself in the mirror, Smile big, give yourself a single or double fist pump, Say “hell yeah!”

  4. Put your anchor, habit, and celebration together using the ABC formula (Anchor) After I_________________, (Behavior) I will_____________________. (Celebrate)Immediately after, to wire in the habit to my brain I will________________________.

    • Example: After I put the coffee on to brew, I will write three things in my journal I am grateful for. Immediately after, to wire in the habit to my brain I will do a little dance!

  5. Now, commit and experiment. Set a time (10 days, 2 weeks, etc.) for which you will commit to implementing this new habit. Experiment and have fun with it; if the habit isn’t working for you, you can always change it, scale it back, or find a different prompt.